Court Reporting Time Management Tips to Keep You on Track

  • “I need that transcript by tomorrow.”
  • “I thought you were known for your speed. What’s taking so long?”
  • “Is it possible for you to proofread these by five o’clock?”

Whoever said “time is of the essence” was clearly not a court reporter.

time-managementAttorney deadlines, the need for accuracy, a reputation for speed…these are only a few of the many time-sensitive stress triggers that court reporters must avoid on a daily basis. Unfortunately, avoidance isn’t always possible—when was the last time you were able to successfully avoid an attorney? This is why court reporters need to have game plans for how to manage their stress levels when the job starts to get to them.

One of the most successful game plans is time management.

Easy Tricks to Manage Your Time and Reduce Court Reporting Stress

  • Make a plan for the day. Reserve half an hour at the beginning of the day to lay out your schedule. If you know you’re more productive in the morning, place the harder tasks at the beginning of the day and the minor tasks toward the end. This will help prevent procrastination and poor work. Having a daily schedule will not only eliminate any surprises, but it will also allow you to track what needs to be done and when. Allotting for occasional “open-time” breaks will also help you reduce stress by either giving you time to deal with unexpected issues, or give you time to take a break and breathe before your next task.
  • Avoid distraction. Although it’s nice to have an open door policy and occasionally chat with your coworkers, distractions can quickly put you behind. It’s okay to demand privacy in order to get your work done. If your coworkers can’t take a hint, place a “Do Not Disturb” sign or whiteboard on your door indicating when you’ll be available.
  • Set goals. Before beginning each task, lay out what you hope to accomplish. This may be a good time to break larger tasks into more manageable segments. Not only does this technique give you satisfaction when you get a job finished, it also allows you to see exactly what has to be done in the time you allotted.
  • Turn your phone off. Phone calls can be extremely distracting, especially when you’re trying to focus on a specific task at hand. Use your schedule to block out times where you can return calls. This way, you can place your phone on vibrate (or better yet, turn the device off) and allow calls to go to voice mail. Then, once you have completed your task, you can return the call and use your “open-time” to handle any issues that otherwise may have distracted you from getting your previous task completed.
  • Find your work-comfort zone. Procrastination is easily encouraged by fidgeting, moving about, and listlessness. These can all be curbed by making sure your work space is comfortable. However, too much comfort can also be a problem (falling asleep isn’t exactly a good use of time management). Try to find a degree of comfort that does not impair your productivity.

Do you have any time management tricks you use? Share your ideas in the comment section provided on this page, or let us know how our tips have worked for you. For more information on how you can build your reputation, lessen stress, and conquer the demands of court reporting, feel free to browse our site. We’re also happy to talk to you directly about any questions or concerns you may have. Simply call us at (877) 837-0077 or come see us at our Alexandria office today.

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