From Attorneys to Court Reporters, Legal Stress Is Real

The legal field can be one of the most emotionally, mentally, and even physically draining industries in which to work. Long days at the office followed by long nights at the home office plague everyone from attorneys to court reporters, and it’s not shocking that many of these professionals rely on caffeine and pure adrenaline to survive the week.

By now, most of us have read about the court reporter who caused a stir when it was found that instead of recording court happenings, this individual wrote “I hate my job” over and over again, causing legal issues and delays for everyone involved. It’s probably safe to say that this particular court reporter did not have healthy coping mechanisms for career-related stress. Or perhaps they just wanted to go out ala “The Shining”! Either way that story serves as a cautionary tale that we should all take time to enjoy the profession and recharge in whatever way makes us feel ready to get back into the groove.

What’s Your Secret? Stress Management in the Legal Field

StressWhile Casamo & Associates court reporters operate within an incomparably saner frame of mind we still feel our share of the stress and pressure our job entails. They say that most people do not function fully working much beyond the standard 40 hour work week—but tell that to any attorney or court reporter, who can easily put in 60 hours of work in a normal week.

The challenge presented by legal working schedules is, perhaps ironically, that the law of diminishing returns dictates that we can put in more time, effort, and energy than anyone else, but as a result, we will eventually begin to get less and less out of the time spent at work. As people in a high-stakes job, it’s a constant struggle to find the magic number where we are maximizing productivity without losing quality of product or quality of life. If you know of a foolproof formula, please contact us immediately!

While we all add that task to our expanding to-do lists, we find that many of us have our own personal ways of getting through the day while remaining productive and stress-free. Some take a break to read a book for a few minutes every two hours, some go for a quick walk, and others simply rely on a rigid routine to ensure that they are firing on all cylinders.

As an attorney, what are some of the ways that you combat stress on the job? Share your tips and tricks in the comment section below—we’re always looking for new ideas!

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