Five Ways to Create a Digital Deposition That Will Win Your Client’s Trial

Your client has already undergone a harrowing deposition, and you were wise to insist that the entire thing be recorded for court use. You’ve been given a copy, and you couldn’t have hoped for better—his story is even more sympathetic on camera than on the written page. But before you walk into court with the DVD in hand, consider some additional methods that can take your the odds of winning your case from good to better.

How to Make an Effective Digital Deposition for Your Next Trial

Recording a video deposition for trial use is only half the battle—and unfortunately, many attorneys stop there. Consider these small tweaks that can hone your testimony video and improve your presence in court:

  • Captioning. Our licensed court reporters can help clarify your video deposition by adding captions and subtitles to mumbled responses or unclear audio.
  • Compelling evidence. We can digitize your documents and photos (including medical and surgical evidence) using high-quality photo technology. These files can be used many ways, including as part of a PowerPoint presentation or by introducing the evidence digitally in court for all present to see at once.
  • Documentaries. Videos can tell a much better story than even the witness may be capable of. We can record a day-in-the-life video to show the effects of the trauma your client suffered, including integrating photos and video of the accident scene to give the court an honest look at your client’s situation.
  • Multiple platforms. Are you relying on a court-supplied DVD player to broadcast your client’s deposition? We can work with multiple platforms, including iPads, Macs, PCs, and a variety of software options to allow the court the best viewing experience…and we can troubleshoot any technical difficulties, as well.
  • Video editing services. Even the best information is useless if it is not presented well. We can edit your video to keep your testimony flowing, as well as add transitions, chapter headings, and track breaks to help you tell your story effortlessly.

Whether you have already recorded your video deposition or are looking to improve your client’s video testimony, the team at Casamo & Associates can work with you to bring out the most compelling aspects of your case. Learn more about how our video deposition services can help you and your clients here.

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