Going Paperless: Electronic Deposition Systems Offer a Lighter Option

You’ve probably attended plenty of D.C. hearings where each attorney arrives with a crate of papers in tow. In an increasingly digital world, it’s hard not to consider the switch to an electronic deposition system. But should you really trust your client’s vital information to a “cloud” service, or is there a way to get the best of both worlds?

At Casamo, we can help you transition your documents into a more efficient electronic system without risking the information you send in an online database. We collect and digitize your documents, videos, and photo files, organizing them into a series of folders that can be accessed on almost any device. Consider the following benefits of a paperless management system for your depositions and trials:

  • Secure. Your documents can be made available on any personal electronic device, including your smartphone, laptop, or tablet, remaining confidential until you introduce them in court.
  • One-click sharing. If you are using an integrated electronic projector, you can easily share court exhibits with all parties in the case at once, taking far less time than passing paper documents around the room.
  • Electronic editing. We can export your documents into a number of formats, allowing you to highlight, annotate, or email your notes on an exhibit without marking the original document.
  • Traveling light. Scanned documents and recorded testimony are the easiest way to travel when you and your client must meet at a remote deposition.
  • Cost-effective. Converting documents, photos, and videos into digital exhibits can significantly reduce company money spend on duplication, document copying, and shipping costs.

Of course, many attorneys are wary of relying on electronic-only systems to maintain client files. That is why we help each of our customers choose the system that works best for him, and why we show customers how to use and get the most out of all of our video services free of charge. Check out our video deposition services to find out how we can help you update and improve your current litigation system.

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