Is Videoconferencing Right for Me? Things to Consider Before Going Virtual

As far as getting things done and setting an energetic tone and pace, nothing beats in-person meetings. Unfortunately, as busy schedules keep several members of your firm and other collaborators away from a central location, it can be very difficult to achieve that same feeling.

For a long time, the only option was conference calls, which made it impossible to judge engagement, expression, or even presence at the meeting. Next came web meetings, where users could phone in and use a browser to see a visual presentation of meeting content. Somehow, though, these mediums all lacked the “feel” of an in-person meeting. But videoconferencing came along and got closer than any other virtual meeting format to recreating that je ne sais quoi of real-time.

When Is Videoconferencing the Right Move?

When your team is spread across the state or even the country, videoconferencing offers the unique opportunity to join everyone in a common virtual meeting space. This format offers a personal touch that previous styles lacked, allowing for both visual and verbal collaboration on important ideas and projects.

When you need to reconvene with your team and a face-to-face meeting is impossible, videoconferencing allows you to reach your group as a whole, sharing content and feedback freely as a cohesive team. You’ll find that your coworkers are more engaged, less distracted, and more willing to contribute to discussions in a videoconferencing situation that allows them to see each attendee as they would in “real-time.”

When should you avoid this amazing technology? When face-to-face meetings are possible, they are always preferable. While Casamo & Associates videoconferencing services are incredibly effective, even we can’t top the energy and high-definition provided by real-time meetings. If you’re not sure if your meeting will work via videoconference—just ask! A friendly Casamo & Associates representative will be happy to help you decide if our services are right for your event!

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