You may not think that it matters what clothes you wear to your deposition. After all, your testimony is what matters. Why should the jury be allowed to judge you based on how you look?

Consider this from the court’s point of view: the judge and jury members have never met you. What is the first thing you notice about strangers? It is likely to be their physical features: a person’s clothes, hair, and general appearance can give you physical cues into his or her personality. The people in the courtroom will be using these cues to assess your testimony, so how you look can play a huge part in how your story is perceived.

Before you leave for your deposition, stand in front of a mirror and ask yourself these important questions:

  1. Is anything about my appearance offensive or disrespectful?
  2. If my family saw me in these clothes, would they be proud?
  3. If I were interviewing someone dressed like this, would I be likely to hire them?
  4. Would someone else describe my appearance as clean and comfortable?
  5. Is my cologne or perfume too heavy?
  6. Are there any wrinkles, stains, or visible signs of wear on any part of this outfit?
  7. Could the opposing attorney use any
  8. Does this outfit give people any reason to doubt what I say?
  9. part of my appearance to cast doubt on my character?
  10. If I didn’t know me, would I feel comfortable walking up to me on the street?
  11. Is any part of my appearance too distracting?

Remember: your clothing may not be the most important factor in your testimony, but it will help you make the right impression in court. For more information on how to prepare for a deposition, click our related links on this page or visit us on Facebook to learn more about our professional court services.

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