An opposing attorney could ask any number of questions in your divorce deposition. Some are relevant to the facts of your case, and some are not—but if you choose to answer them, all of them can be used in court. Here are a few topics that may be brought up during your deposition.

  • Children. If your case includes a custody dispute, you should be prepared for questions about your children’s friends, interests, doctors, schools, needs, and health.
  • Personal details. You may be asked about any personal relationships, clubs, or memberships that you belong to and the roles they play in your child’s life.
  • Marriage finances. Your spouse’s attorney may attempt to discover if his client is entitled to your earnings. These questions may include whose money was used for different expenses during the marriage, how much your expected income will be in the future, if you supported your spouse in the past, what you were each making at the start of the marriage, and if you ever told your spouse that you did not want him or her to work.
  • Employment. What kind of hours do you work? This may seem like a simple question about your job, but it could influence your suitability as a full-time parent.
  • Health records. You may be asked questions about your mental and physical health. This includes any insurance you may hold (life, disability, home/rental, etc.) and who is named as your beneficiary.
  • Property. If you are splitting the furnishings of your home, you may be asked to read through your asset list and explain how you arrived at the estimated values.

Remember: an opposing attorney is looking for answers, but the way you respond to a question can give him more than just the facts.

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